Masks of Hopes
Masks of Hopes
This is a chapter from the long-term project: Masks.
“The correct side of the history is not either a straight line or a single road; it is a
cluster of intersections, detours and confused routes.”
Obligation to devote, easy propaganda, fear, censorship and many other ways to
undermine the hopes of the people has been the strategy for the Venezuelan government to keep
the power and the order. Nowadays, we can see that they failed on the second when
you look at their faces, at their actions and rebellions. This is the day-to-day of some
people in one of the most corrupt, violent and critical countries in the world.
For them the future does not exists, the past has gone away, and in the present, they know
that they have so little to lose, and so much to win.
Alca with no shoes
Alca Mendoza: A skater with no shoes
Alca is an irreverent, street souled and dreamer rapper, skater and surfer.
Full of good vibes, Alca rolled from here to there driven only with his arms,
because he does not need any shoes to destroy with the skateboard sandpaper.
He was born in Caracas with a congenital problem in his lower body that steeled his legs from the hip,
but since he was a kid, he used to be very curious and his grandma was there to explain a legged and complicated world to Alca.
Despite the fact that she is no longer with him, she stills alive in Alca’s shoulder.
He was six when he saw many skateboarders rolling down through Caracas
when he decided to do the same for the rest of his life, and so he is working on it.